Order Confirmation

Once you place an order, you will receive an email confirming your order along with payment instructions. After your payment is received, we will send a second email to confirm that your order is being processed.

In case we are unable to fulfill your order or if there is an issue with payment, we will contact you promptly.

Shipping Confirmation

Once your order is processed, it will typically be shipped within 24-48 hours. You will receive a shipment confirmation email that includes:

  • Your order tracking number
  • Tracking links
  • Instructions on how to contact us for any queries

Shipping Methods

For detailed information, please refer to our Shipping Rates & ETA.

We can deliver your order to the following:

  • Work or home addresses
  • PO Boxes
  • APO addresses

To save time on future orders, you can set your primary shipping address in your My Account section.


As we are based offshore in India, your local Customs office will process your order as imported goods. This may result in a delay due to customs formalities. We recommend allowing extra time and ordering in advance to avoid inconvenience.
Customs delays can range from a few days to up to 3 weeks in extreme cases.

Delivery Times

Once payment is received, your order will be shipped within 24-48 hours. Delivery times depend entirely on postal or shipping agencies.

Refer to our Shipping Rates & ETA for estimated delivery times.

Important Note:
If you are unavailable during delivery, a notice will be left with instructions for redelivery or collection from your local post office. Items are generally held for up to 4 weeks before being returned to us.

If Customs holds your order for import duties, the hold period could range from 3 to 21 days before you are contacted.

If your order is delayed beyond the standard delivery time, please allow an additional 7 days for us to investigate whether your package is delayed, held by customs, or lost.

Reshipments and Lost Orders

We are happy to reship or refund any lost orders if you contact us within 8 weeks from the shipment date. Claims made after 8 weeks will not be accepted.

Conditions for reshipments:

  • An additional 7 days have passed beyond the standard delivery time.
  • The shipping address provided is correct.

If the original address provided was incorrect, you may be charged for the replacement order. Our billing team will provide refund details once the original order is returned to us. The refund process may take some time, as return postage is typically unpaid.

Returns and Refunds

If your order arrives damaged or is not delivered, we will offer to reship your order. Alternatively, you can request a full refund for the undelivered items.

If you receive only a partial order, we will issue a full refund and charge only for the items you received.

Processing Time:
Please allow up to 30 business days from the shipment date. If you have not received your order within this period, or if you are notified that your order is on hold or returned to sender, please contact us immediately.

Contact Us

For any questions or concerns about your order, reach out to us via email:

  • Support Email: support@medsforerection.com

Order Tracking Email: ordertrack@medsforerection.com